Solar At Scale - Solar Closer Mastery
Solar At Scale - Solar Closer Mastery
Leads and Contacts

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How to create a lead


This SOP will outline:

How to create a new lead
Situations when you might have to create a new lead
You may need to create a lead if a client or prospect gives you a referral who is also interested in Solar for their home or business.



Locate the Leads page towards the top left of the Close app and press the + button next to the Leads page.
Alternatively, press Ctrl + Shift + L to open the Create a Lead page.
Enter the lead name:
If the prospect is an individual, enter the customer’s name under Contact Name.
If the prospect is a business, enter the Business name under the Company Name and the name of the representative you are speaking to under Contact Name.
Click Create Lead once you’re done.
Once you’re in the Lead page, add the contact details for the prospect
Title (e.g. General Manager, Customer Service Representative, CEO, etc.)
Phone Number
Home/Business Address

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